History of FCi's WebsiteWe’re excited and proud to launch our new website here at FCi.

Our previous website, launched in 2011, had served us well for a number of years. But much like the security, telecom and wireless technology that we use with our clients on a daily basis, things evolve quickly in the online world (check out some of our previous designs in that image for an illustration of that.)

It was time for an upgrade, and we wanted a fresh, modern look for our site — one that truly reflects our presence as an innovative market leader that is always striving for excellence.

Here are a few things that we particularly like about the new design:


  • A modern and responsive architecture, to display beautifully on any device in this era of increasing mobile internet use.

  • A freshening up of the colour scheme and look throughout the site to reflect the evolution of our corporate identity.

  • Easy navigation, based on universally-recognized icons for our three primary service divisions, and the use of buttons throughout the site to clearly guide visitors.

  • An action-packed front page video that quickly communicates the essence of FCi to website visitors.

  • Stronger integration for the blog section of the site, with posts displayed throughout our services pages.

  • A more prominent presence for our social media accounts (be sure to tweet with us at @FCi_Ottawa!)

  • Revised written content throughout the site, to better identify and illustrate the services we provide, as well as the value we bring to our clients and partners.

  • Clearer contact options throughout the site, so that our existing clients and new inquiries can get in touch with us as quickly as possible.

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and be sure to sign up to our newsletter (in the footer below this post) to receive all the news and tips about what’s going on in the security, wireless and telecom industries.

We hope you’ll enjoy our new look!

The FCi Team