Relationships are critical to any successful business, and they are the basis of our business model here at FCi. Relationships with our clients, suppliers, staff and community allow us to continue to grow and develop our business. Collaboration is not only critical, it allows us to develop and explore new opportunities.
Relationships are truly the foundations of our success.
Our Clients
Client relationships are key to doing business, and more importantly, doing repeat business with the same client. Understanding our clients’ individual requirements and needs allow us to develop solutions that best address their concerns — sounds simple, however, this can be complicated. The best relationships can develop over time and require nurturing and adjustments. Keeping relevant, current and forward-thinking can entrench your business opportunities together. Having a mutually beneficial relationship is a foundation for a successful partnership; these relationships help to foster trust and understanding.
Our Suppliers
Equally important relationships exist with our supply partners. Having the proper mix of product and service offerings can make you an invaluable partner. Knowing just how to achieve this can be tricky. Like many companies, we support a wide variety of solutions for video surveillance, access control and intrusion detection applications. Finding the balance and the right solution for your client is critical. Thankfully, we provide many leading technologies to support our client requirements. We understand that you cannot be all things to all people; finding the right balance is key.
We also appreciate that we have to maintain our order volume and bring value to our suppliers. These relationships have to offer mutual benefit for all parties. Lead generation; certified training; special project pricing and service offerings are a few examples of these benefits. One of the ways that we’ve invested in our relationships with our suppliers is our recent development of a product showcase area, with live interactive product demonstrations for our clients. Reaction from our suppliers has been overwhelming as this space helps them display technology and demonstrates our commitment to the relationship. Being able to demonstrate and compare software and hardware continues to help us win business.
Our Employees
Employee relationships are also fundamental as we continue to grow. Stakeholders across the spectrum, including our front line technical, sales and administration teams have direct relationships with our clients and management team. These relationships are more than salary and benefits, they are about connecting with them as individuals. Again, having a mutually beneficial arrangement makes these relationships flourish.
Our Community
And just as important as all of these are our relationships within our community. Showing strong leadership in this area is a priority for everyone at FCi. We are deeply involved with CANASA, Crime Stoppers and a variety of causes that we are passionate about. Our team members help coach, mentor and develop talent in arenas, soccer pitches and other venues across our community. Connecting with the community is another relationship that requires commitment and investment. The benefits of this investment are invaluable. Sharing expertise and helping to support worthwhile community programs leave a lasting legacy. Community relationships allow you to share your business success with others.
And sometimes our relationships even involve collaboration with unlikely partners. Partnering on projects may involve working with competitors or unlikely allies. Sub-contracting or providing service offerings for others can be rewarding. There can also be reciprocal opportunities. Working together can be beneficial and provide successful outcomes for all involved.
Clearly, maintaining strong and healthy relationships can be a challenge. The challenge is absolutely worth the effort as the benefits to these relationships can be rewarding and provide successful outcomes for all involved.
Relationships are key.
Twitter: @Richard_FCi
This article is courtesy of Richard’s writing in SP&T News.