At FCi, we take great pride in our industry partnerships and associations that we are involved with. One such organization is the Canadian Security Association. CANASA, as it’s known, began in 1977 when pioneers in the alarm industry created an industry association and advocacy group that has evolved and thrived since these very humble beginnings.

canasa-fci-richard-mcmullenOttawa-based, Universal Alarms Limited founder, Robert A. Henderson, was instrumental in the founding of CANASA and served as its first president. His vision and leadership forged the association that we belong to today.

New Beginnings, New Leadership

On June 3, 2015, CANASA held its annual General Meeting in Ottawa. The AGM was followed by a successful trade show event hosted by CANASA to showcase the products and services of our membership.

The event was a tremendous success with over 300 attending and engaging with over sixty exhibitors, including FCi.

The following day, CANASA’s National Board of Directors met to elect a new national President and executive leadership team for the organization. The results of the election process installed a new team that I am proud to lead as the newly elected National President.

I am excited to lead a dedicated staff and over 100 volunteers from across the country. It will definitely be a time of change within the organization; last week our Executive Director, JF Champagne, tendered his resignation and informed me that he will be moving to Ottawa to head up another national association (unrelated to the security field). JF has done an outstanding job over the last six years with CANASA and we all wish him every success. The search is on for a replacement – stay tuned.

Another Strong Partnership

So today, we have another Ottawa-based President of CANASA some 38 years after RA Henderson assumed the inaugural position.

I am very honoured to have been elected to serve as President and look forward to working with our team to move our association forward. While there may be challenges ahead, I am confident in the support of family, my FCi work colleagues and the entire CANASA team.

Learn more about CANASA.